Monday, October 10, 2011

[RP] school !

we're not a fan of teachers. Some can be boring,rude,mean, and too controlling . The best part of school is communicating with friends, lunch , and going to high school events/parties. Me, I'm not into sitting in class for 50 minutes and learn something and be bored. I like to have fun in class and love to communicate with whoever . Maybe because the stuff we do in class is boring , that's why I never pay attention in class. - Vincent Ly

I agree with you Vincent! I think school is just not for me, since I started high school I've had problems with keeping my grades up. Too many distractions, too much drama at school, I guess I’m just too caught up in my social life. I had a boring long talk with my mom and I realized if I want to have the normal life I really have to get through high school.

 Going to Ms. Pula's room to talk about my future makes me feel sick. I just don’t like talking about my future I don’t like to think about what is going to happen or get my hopes up. I hate getting my hopes up. I can’t get any F's for my final semester grade or I’ll go to island. I have to face it sometime so yeah. Starting today I’m going to do my homework every time like I should be. I have to do it or I’m going to have to go back to Ms. Pula’s class and talk about the future again. Even though last year I failed p.e. It was one of the main reasons I looked forward to going to school. It was so fun. I’m always looking forward to lunch and after school because that’s when I can socialize with my friends without getting in trouble. I can’t sit the whole period; I’m not patient enough especially if it’s a boring class. Or I fall asleep. This year I plan on not getting any F's in any semester, I plan graduating from AHS Not Island.

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