Tuesday, October 11, 2011

[FP] Perspectives'

I love to get a boys perspective. It helps a lot to know how they feel about girls. It's weird because deep down boys feel just like girls. Like for example, one of my close guy friends that I was getting advice from told me straight up that BOYS DONT OVER THINK, at least most of them. I get what he's saying though, girls do over think, and get there hopes up to easily. I also learned that guys don't like it when girls say that they "hate boys". It is annoying to them I guess. But I feel it. Even though I never hear guys saying they hate girls, I would get irritated too. Not all boys and girls are the same. I just don't like the way SOME boys think. I always wonder how a guy really feels though.
Getting a guys perspective helps knowing what a guy cares about and what they don't care about. I learned from my past that, you shouldn't think about a guy that doesn't think of you. Why should you be thinking about a guy if they don't even care? It’s not fair. Boys mess with you too. They think that there being "nice" but really you're just messing with our mind. I don't think that's nice I think it cocky. Cockiness is so not cute, I hate when boys think you like them just because you had a little crush on them before. But anyways my guy friends help a lot by telling me what he thinks. So far his advice has helped me not to trip over guys so much. It’s not worth it.

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