Saturday, October 22, 2011

[RP] "Respect you're Elders", my ass .

I hate when adults always say " Respect Your Elders " . Really , I don't respect elders that are disrespectful towards me . If you respect me , I'll respect you . -Vincent

I agree. If you don’t respect me I'm sure not going to respect you. What the hell, why would I. Treat other's how you want to be treated. Everybody needs to be reminded of that. I hate when adults that don’t even know me and try to tell me what to do. Especially if they say it in a rude way. I don’t get how they except me to respond. For example last year in p.e. My teacher and I did NOT get along. I even told HER that she was a rude person. It seemed like it didn’t even phase her. Probably because it wasn’t the first time she heard that. If she's rude to me then I’m definitely going to be rude to her.  She would just say something in a not nice way, and she expects me to me to be all jolly about it. No. 

And to my teacher's.. I really don't give two fucks If you don’t like me or not. My grade shouldn’t go down because of that. I’m not rude to anybody who is not rude to me. So you must have done something to make me be rude towards you. I hate when teacher’s do that. I really don’t care, If I do my work I want my good grade. My grade definitely should not go down just because a teacher doesn’t like me. If I do the work then I should get the grade I deserve not because of personal problems.

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