Saturday, October 22, 2011

[FP] Guy friends.

I think it's easier to hang out with guys. There's no drama. With girls, there always drama. Always some type of drama. Every time I with my girl friends, I get annoyed so easily. I try not to but some times I just have to walk away. There's the one who only thinks about her looks. The one who doesn't give two fucks about school. There's the one who hates on everybody and everything. Then there's the one who doesn’t like somebody in the group so they just don't talk at all and makes it awkward.

When I’m with my guy friends all we do is have a good time.
I do have girl friends that I’m always with. I’m with them because I can relate to them. I don’t have to worry about anything that’s what I like the most. I can't trust a lot of people. So it takes a while for me to get close to somebody, especially girls. I have like only three girl friends I can talk to with out getting stabbed in the back. Its sad. Only three. But its better that way I guess. 

I prefer hanging out with guys, some are funny. At least most of the guys I hang out with are. And I like to laugh so its perfect. Its better then having to hear about some girl talk about how fake girls are. Then I’m really thinking wow this girls fake by saying she's fake. Its so complicated I’d rather stay out of it all together. 

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