Wednesday, October 12, 2011

[FP] Reading Minds .

If I could pick any power, I could pick mind reading. I wish I could read minds, but I would also like to be able to block out ones I don’t care about. If I could read minds I could so much like find out who my real friends are, how people really feel about me, who my friend's are and who my haters are. I can read some people just by their attitude or facial expression. What really bugs me is I can never read the people I want to read the most. For example new people, parents, and especially boys!

Usually I can get a good or bad vibe when I meet new people. I either am like aye I can get along with them, or don’t know about them yet. With my mom I can just tell when she's lying. But when she's mad I can never tell what she's thinking. It would be cool to know what she's thinking so I could say the right things to her. With boys, it’s impossible. Never can I read them, most of the time it’s because they give off confusing signals. Sometimes I can tell with other people. They way a guy looks at a girl you can just tell he's interested. With me, no. If I knew how a guy thought it would be so much easier. It might be good or it might be a bad thing. In the end its better to know. If what they’re thinking isn’t what you were expecting, at least you can move on without thinking "oh what if he really does like me" or "Maybe I’m wrong." You wouldn’t be questioning yourself. It would be so easy, but I’m not a super hero so I guess one of my wishes won’t be coming true.

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