Saturday, October 22, 2011

[Biweekly] Steve Jobs .

I agree with Steve Jobs, you should live your life to the fullest. You never know what could happen to you. I think I live my life as if any time of the day something could happen to me. Steve Jobs will be remembered forever. Without him there wouldn't be ipods, Mac computers, itouch, iphone, ipad, etc. I thank him for making ipods. Without my ipod I'd go crazy. He invented all these electronics for us and for him to pass away is very sad. What he did for a living was all for us. He will always be remembered.

I believe in taking risk, and trying new things. Just to live your life while you can. I was shocked when I heard Steve Jobs past away. I was also thinking whose going to make the new, better, cooler electronics? I would follow Steve's advice. Not in a weird way but I always wonder what people would say or feel if anything were to happen to me. Like if I passed away. I wonder who would really care. If they would regret anything. If they could they would change the past. That's why I always try to have fun. I try not to get into any drama or anything that would later make me regret what I did. I don’t regret anything in my past. I only learn from it. That's the only thing I can do. I don’t regret my past because I believe everything happens for a reason. We just don’t know what the reason is most of the time. But still I can only learn from my mistakes.

I think everybody should live in the present. Do what you want. Be safe though and think about your actions before you do anything. Even though I get in trouble every time I have a good time, I still do it because I know I would regret. I'll regret not going somewhere or doing something with my friends.

I like how he says “Attack life, it’s going to kill you anyways” That’s so true. I really agree with that. We’re going to die anyways might as well do what you please. Do what feels right. It might turn out to be the best time ever or just a bad idea. Either way you tried it. You should also try new things. Why not try something new. I tried something new not anything crazy or bad just went to this new place. And now I love it. I go all the time. I go because that’s what makes me happy. I plan on keep going to this place too. I think everybody should do what makes them happy. You can’t count on other people to make you happy so you have to make yourself happy by doing what you like or what you love. I plan on living life how I want. I know I still have to listen to my mom and everything but I’m not going to stop doing what makes me happy.

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