Thursday, September 8, 2011

[CE] Her doggy .

"I'm heartsick," she said. "I know I lost two cars and everything that was in my basement and everything that was on the first floor. But I have my life and I have my dog, so that's good."   This is from the news story about the storm in the northeast.

 In the storm that flooded the northeast, this lady lost everything including her house that's now flooded. Losing your house sucks. It’s the place of your own and it’s gone just like that. Just because of flood. I do like how yeah she lost her valuables but she has her life and her dog. I always wonder what happens to the pets when there are disasters like this. If they die or end up abandoned. I like how she is accepting that she lost everything. Even though she has to live with all this, she is excepting it, but still has her life which is the most important thing. Not having a car or a home sucks, but at least she has her life. There were probably a lot of people who lost everything, maybe lost their lives. Thank god she got rescued. Cleaning up must be hard too. Having to re build houses. Get rid of the cars that are flooded. I would get sad just going back and looking at what a flood did to my neighborhood.
I have no idea what I would do if something like this happened to me. I would be lost. Working so hard to have a home. All her valuables are gone. All the things she worked for are gone. I would be thankful for my life, like her. I would be hella sad too though. Losing everything. I couldn’t imagine. But I would still have my life and family to stay with. I would have probably taken my pets just like this lady.

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