Wednesday, September 14, 2011

[FP] Oh boys .

It’s funny how most of the conversations I have with my friends are about boys. Boys, why you gotta be so confusing. I know you think girls do too much, but we only think so much because we don't know what to think. We don't know how you really feel. It would be nice to let us know. Kay. I also think going to the same school as the boy you like or have a crush on is hella hard. Seeing them talk to other girls, or hugging other girls that aren't just a friend, is bad. It ruins your whole day. Then the ignoring thing, I think its hella dumb. It’s nice to say hi right, and a hug or something. Getting ignored is horrible. Maybe you guys are shy or something but really it’s not that hard to just say hey. And if they’re having a bad day, don't take it out on us. That's not cool.
I know I think too much. Even people tell me they can tell that I think too much. Then get mad because I'm like, he's not think about me why should I be thinking about him. It's not only boys fault. Its girls too. I think I lot of girls would agree with me. Doesn't everybody wish it was easier, but its life. We’re all going to go through this. It's part of relationships. All I'm saying is, Boys just at least try to think about where a girl is coming from. Were not all the same.

1 comment:

  1. The social part of high school life is indeed crazy. I appreciate your attempt to cut through the crap and bring some honest talk to the table about it.

    However, this feels pretty incomplete and also slapped together into one big paragraph. Can you separate out the ideas you have here, and then develop each a bit more? Seems like you could have a paragraph about "How hard it is to mind-read," "Better ways to treat girls," and so on. See what I mean?
