Tuesday, September 20, 2011

In the dark .

Once upon a time there was a little girl named Lily, who always sleeps with her teddy bear. One night she got in trouble for not eating her vegetables. So she got sent to bed early and wasn't able to stay up to watch TV... In the middle of the night she remembered that she left her teddy bear down stairs in the living room when she took a nap there that afternoon. She knew she wasn't going to be able to sleep so she decided to walk down stairs and get it without her mom or dad hearing her. As she stepped on the first step down the long stair case, she remembered that one side of the stairs squeaks. So she steps towards the opposite side of the stairs. Going down every single step carefully, she finally got to the bottom. Lily stood there at the bottom of the stair case trying to remember exactly where she left her teddy bear. Trying to feel her way around, she realized it was darker downstairs then upstairs. So she had to feel her way to the kitchen where there was a flashlight.

When she got to the kitchen she looked under the sink to find the flashlight. Knocking over stuff she finally found what she was looking for. Trying to fix what she knocked over, she turned on the flashlight and headed to the living room where she thinks she left her teddy bear. Now that it is easier to see, she walks to the couch were she took her nap that day. Flipping over the pillows, looking under the table, she can't find her teddy bear. She's trying to be quiet while looking for her teddy bear just in case her mom and dad hear her she doesn't want to get into more trouble. Finding out that her teddy bear isn't where she thought it was she sits on the couch for a quick second trying to remember. She can’t think so she decides to go look in the dog's little bed. Her dog liked her teddy bear also. It was soft, cute, and comfortable to sleep with. She didn’t find it in the dog's bed and also didn’t see her dog in the dog bed. Not finding it in the dog bed she decides to just not sleep with it that night. So she puts the flashlight back where she got it and goes back upstairs. Creeping back up the stairs she closes her door. And turns on her night light. Having enough light to look around her room for her teddy bear she doesn’t see it. She turns off the night light and climbs back in bed sad that she won’t have her teddy bear right by her. She tries to fall asleep but she hears a loud snoring. Listening, trying to figure out where it’s coming from, she gets back out of bed and turns back on the night light and looked around. Looking at the dog that suppose to be in its own bed. She looks at him and realizes that it’s her dog that is snoring. Then looking closer at her dog, She sees that her teddy bear is under her dog. She is relieved that she found it but mad that her dog is sleeping with it. Since she loves her dog she lets him sleep with her teddy bear. As long as she knows that her teddy bear is safe and her dog is comfortable she can sleep.

 After a long night Lily turns off the night light again. And climbs back into bed again. Not getting into more trouble she finally falls asleep.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

[FP] Oh boys .

It’s funny how most of the conversations I have with my friends are about boys. Boys, why you gotta be so confusing. I know you think girls do too much, but we only think so much because we don't know what to think. We don't know how you really feel. It would be nice to let us know. Kay. I also think going to the same school as the boy you like or have a crush on is hella hard. Seeing them talk to other girls, or hugging other girls that aren't just a friend, is bad. It ruins your whole day. Then the ignoring thing, I think its hella dumb. It’s nice to say hi right, and a hug or something. Getting ignored is horrible. Maybe you guys are shy or something but really it’s not that hard to just say hey. And if they’re having a bad day, don't take it out on us. That's not cool.
I know I think too much. Even people tell me they can tell that I think too much. Then get mad because I'm like, he's not think about me why should I be thinking about him. It's not only boys fault. Its girls too. I think I lot of girls would agree with me. Doesn't everybody wish it was easier, but its life. We’re all going to go through this. It's part of relationships. All I'm saying is, Boys just at least try to think about where a girl is coming from. Were not all the same.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

[CE] Her doggy .

"I'm heartsick," she said. "I know I lost two cars and everything that was in my basement and everything that was on the first floor. But I have my life and I have my dog, so that's good."   This is from the news story about the storm in the northeast.

 In the storm that flooded the northeast, this lady lost everything including her house that's now flooded. Losing your house sucks. It’s the place of your own and it’s gone just like that. Just because of flood. I do like how yeah she lost her valuables but she has her life and her dog. I always wonder what happens to the pets when there are disasters like this. If they die or end up abandoned. I like how she is accepting that she lost everything. Even though she has to live with all this, she is excepting it, but still has her life which is the most important thing. Not having a car or a home sucks, but at least she has her life. There were probably a lot of people who lost everything, maybe lost their lives. Thank god she got rescued. Cleaning up must be hard too. Having to re build houses. Get rid of the cars that are flooded. I would get sad just going back and looking at what a flood did to my neighborhood.
I have no idea what I would do if something like this happened to me. I would be lost. Working so hard to have a home. All her valuables are gone. All the things she worked for are gone. I would be thankful for my life, like her. I would be hella sad too though. Losing everything. I couldn’t imagine. But I would still have my life and family to stay with. I would have probably taken my pets just like this lady.

[RP] Oakland .

"Just because you seen Oakland violence on the news , doesn't mean we are bad people. " from vincent ly

 I agree with Vincent. There are so many stereotypes about Oakland. A lot of people think Oakland’s bad because of all the shootings and violence around but it’s not Oakland, its some people who decide to do those things. Yeah it’s the people in Oakland but it’s the people not the place. Oakland is very nice in some areas. I love to go to Oakland. I feel like I fit in. compared to alameda. Even though I was just born in Oakland not raised there, I go a lot to visit. Some of my mom's family friends grew up there and now have a good career's. My mom grew up there too. 

Since she's from Oakland is she "ghetto"? No, she is just a hard working mother that grew up like everybody else. I hate when I people ask me where I was born then I tell them, Oakland. And then there like oh...what about your mom. And I’m like Oakland. Then there like OH... are your kids going to be born there too. Like what kind of question is that. I don’t know. Why would it matter?

I just think that the people who say Oakland is "bad" should see, or stay in Oakland and see how nice it really is and how in some ways it's better than other areas where people think is quiet, and a safe community when really, they just don't realize what kind of place they live in too. All they think "As long as it's not Oakland". Which is not right.

[FP] Just my mistakes.

For my free blog I have no idea what to say. I think it’s cool that we get to write what we want but then it's hard to just pick a topic to write about. I been stuck for the past half n' hour. I really don't think it’s a good idea to have homework online. I get distracted to easily. There's facebook, & tumblr. It’s really not good because I need to do my homework to get good grades. I have to get good grades this year or I don't know what will happen the following years. I really messed up my freshmen year. And I know I can't blame it on anybody else but myself. I didn't do good in math, bio, and P.E... Math was hard for me because we had different teachers, but it was also because I would talk too much and just not do the work.

This year I'm stuck in a room full of freshmen. Which sucks. In bio I talked WAY too much, I just gave up because it was way too hard for me. This year I feel I can do better. Even though my teacher works my nerves, I have to get over it. P.E. for me last year was horrible. It wasn't just like because I don't like to run, it was because I really, REALLY, disliked my teacher. SHE didn't like me and I didn't like her. We just didn't get along. So now that she failed me I have to do P.E. my junior year. Even though I know I should take all the blame for not passing, I think she did it on purpose. Now I tell my freshmen friends to stay focused & try because my freshmen year was all bad. This year I plan on doing WAY better than I did last year.